Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Note from Mr. Kauzlarich

was received by JoAnn and Terry.  I will quote the message.....
"I know I am slow in writing, but I just don't seem to be able to do anything as quickly as I once would have been able to do.  I so appreciate  all the work you and all the other volunteers did to make the reunion such a success.  Thank everyone for me.  This is the first reunion I have been to and didn't know what to expect.  I was pleased with the reception I received and with the renewal of connections to such a number of people whom I had not seen in over 40 years.  You folks had everything so well planned and everything went really well.

I am sorry I didn't have the nerve to give a few words to the group.  I had some things planned and then all the other speakers seemed to be comedians with their comments.  I didn't have anything funny to say, I didn't think, so I didn't get up.  Actually, now I know I should have just gotten up and at least told the group I was happy to be there and to see everyone.

The weekend after your reunion, I went to a 50th reunion at Corning for many people I hadn't see in 50 years.  I remembered many of them but had to rely on the yearbook to identify some of them.  Last week end they had an all years reunion because it is the last year Corning Schools will exist as Corning, because they are combining with Villisca next year and will have a new name."
e mail address:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Faculty

also came home for this reunion. I know they looked at name tags, do you think they remembered any of us?  I was thrilled to talk to the faculty. Several I see quite often, in the past I delivered mail to two of the faculty........for years....
I told Mr Olsen that he accused Mark and I of playing footsie in his class.  I told him about that event and that we were not playing footsie, we were passing notes..Mr Olsen said that his mother told him..........."What I did not know then........I don't need to know now"  what a great quote, especially from people that had some major problems with some of the teachers.
Anyway, it was a fantastic evening. Thanks to the class  of 66 for giving us the idea to meet up again before the 50th year. The Class of 67 will start to have monthly events very soon.........Heads up............OOH RAH OOH RAH........

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Future PhD speaks

I hope you can read this e mail from Mrs Austin. I think if you click on it, it will enlarge.
So great to hear from our past, those attending our event and acknowledging our success
from what they  helped shape.  

What a Great Group

Class of 65  The Juniors
Class of 67 the Freshman 

Class of 66  Sophomore Class

last to graduate from Neveln
Mr Dave Kauzlarich, Mrs. Louise Vander Linden and
  Mrs Carolyn Zuck
I did not acquire the group photo of all of the teachers. Mrs Vander Linden
left early to have dinner with the 50 year class of 63, this photo was
taken early in the evening.  Greg Lammert 66, Denny Evans 67 and Fred Cosler 67
left before the photos were taken.  Great crowd, great numbers, great
evening.  We'll see y'all next year.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


If you have not signed up, come on out anyway. Happy Hour starts at 4 pm.  Dinner around 630 pm.
Our caterer is generous with their servings, so there should be enough leftovers for those of you that are deciding TODAY, July 13, to join us......Come to the party......
Next week I will be posting photos, so you will see what you missed......come to the party!
About a dozen teachers, spouses, and wives of two staff members will be attending, maybe you can talk them into changing that lousy grade you received way back when......
COME TO THE PARTY.......TONIGHT.........JULY 13, 2013.....OOH RAH OOH RAH.........

Saturday, July 6, 2013

One week from today

the fun begins.  Have you sent in your money?  If not, do it today and also send an e mail to Joann Kochheiser Adamson,  Jo will order the food on MONDAY, July 8, don't be shut out.....Hickory Park is catering the meal and there will be some extra meals available. However, we don't want you to be disappointed if the food is gone. 
Schedule:  Thursday evening, 7/11, 7 pm meet at the beer tent on Summerfest grounds.  Take First Street west from hwy 69 to NW ASH, go north to Prairie Ridge. You can park on that corner or go north to the lots by the ball fields.  The Leisure Garden, aka Beer Tent, is on the far west side of the grounds.
Friday, alumni activities, morning golf event. Afternoon open for each class to have a get-together.
  5 pm Alumni banquet at OLIH church on east First St.  Sign up thru AAA.
 Saturday, 8 am pancake breakfast at Bandshell, formerly the football field on First St., watch the parade from this location, it starts at 9 am.  1 pm city/school bus tour, meet at Historical Society, SW 3rd and School Sts.   our party in the evening, new times:
4-430pm Happy Hour starts
630 pm dinner starts
after dinner program, around 8 pm........
BYO Booze/Beer/Wine for our party, pop, lemonade, iced tea, water will be provided
Sunday, nothing scheduled, if in town, Summerfest activites all day and fireworks at 10 pm.

If you would like to come early or stop by for the program and not have dinner, you are welcome to do so. A good will donation will be accepted to help pay for expenses......thanks in advance.

Hope to ý'all next week sometime......we will have a great time...........OOH RAH  OOH RAH.......C

Thursday, June 27, 2013


to send in your money to reserve a spot at the 4 class reunion.  The deadline is extended, please send in your $15 per person by  July 7, 2013.   That is when we have to turn in the dinner order.  We have a large number attending from the Class of 65, the leader of the pack.  The other three classes are very even for numbers, in second place........
Here is the schedule:  Thursday, July 11, 2013, 7 pm gathering at the Beer Tent, aka Leisure Garden on the Summerfest Grounds.  Location is NW Ash and Prairie Ridge. Parking at that corner, at the Library (west on Prairie Rd), north on Ash to the ball fields. 
Friday, July 12, 2013  Alumni events Golf scramble and Banquet/Birthday Party, sign up through the Alumni Association.  Friday afternoon is open for each class to have their private get together.
Saturday, July 13, 2013   8am Pancake Breakfast at the Band Shell on First St.  formerly the AHS football field.  You can watch the parade from this location.  Parade starts at 9 am. City Streets in this area close at 845 am.     Post Parade city/school tour starts at 1 PM, meet at the Historical Society, SW 3rd and School Sts.  5 pm Happy Hour starts at our FOUR CLASS reunion. Dinner at 7 pm, program at 8 pm.  Post program class photo sessions and a lot of time to chat or figure out the maze, outdoors on the deck.  WHEW! 
Also, if you are bored, their is a carnival and band play every night on the Summerfest Grounds.  We do not have any organized activity for Sunday, but the Summerfest celebration, formerly Fun and Feed Days, comes to an end with a Fireworks show on Sunday  around 10 pm, go up early to find a parking spot....
We will have the AHS  100th Grads Tee shirt for sale, $10, while they last.........class of 67 will have the Lynn Breese designed kindergarten collage for sale, also $10.  Please bring cash. 
Happy Hour and hors doeuvrs at 5 PM......Hickory Park dinner at 7 pm........Several of our former instructors will be in attendance, if you remember any of their habits, let me know to use in the program.  If you have a spouse in an honor class who has their party the same problem, just come out before or after their  party to visit. 
Happy Hour is BYOB, Bring your own Booze.  We will have water, pop, lemonade, iced tea available.  We will graciously accept donations to help cover expenses.  Send in your check today to the Treasurer, Jo Ellen Dann Nervig, 809 SE Sherman Drive, Ankeny, 50021. 
Hope to see y'all in July, that's two weeks from today.......Come on Home.........ooh rah  ooh rah........