Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Note from Mr. Kauzlarich

was received by JoAnn and Terry.  I will quote the message.....
"I know I am slow in writing, but I just don't seem to be able to do anything as quickly as I once would have been able to do.  I so appreciate  all the work you and all the other volunteers did to make the reunion such a success.  Thank everyone for me.  This is the first reunion I have been to and didn't know what to expect.  I was pleased with the reception I received and with the renewal of connections to such a number of people whom I had not seen in over 40 years.  You folks had everything so well planned and everything went really well.

I am sorry I didn't have the nerve to give a few words to the group.  I had some things planned and then all the other speakers seemed to be comedians with their comments.  I didn't have anything funny to say, I didn't think, so I didn't get up.  Actually, now I know I should have just gotten up and at least told the group I was happy to be there and to see everyone.

The weekend after your reunion, I went to a 50th reunion at Corning for many people I hadn't see in 50 years.  I remembered many of them but had to rely on the yearbook to identify some of them.  Last week end they had an all years reunion because it is the last year Corning Schools will exist as Corning, because they are combining with Villisca next year and will have a new name."
e mail address:

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